вторник, 27 апреля 2010 г.

XReplicator project

Yesterday me, Burmak Alexander and Mirov Yuriy presented our XReplicator project to EMC corporation.
First of all, it was a very interesting work! I'm very glad, that I've passed a test task to develop that project! 

XReplicator is a java package that contains:
- Library to enable XAM (eXtensible Access Method) storages replication;
- Utility, that provides console user interface (XUtility);
- DSL (Domain-Specific Language) XOnce, that makes query to storages much easy;

Library can, of cause, replicate storages (and saves a state of all storages after replication, that raises next replication performance and speed) , it can log exceptions and events (e.g. adding or deleting storages), it can set a mode of replication( "in", if system only input a data;"out", if system only output, and "inout" to input and output).

Now, let me tell you about XUtility. That utility provides all features of library and many more. It can provide remote control access with ban system, login and password encryption, dynamic plugins load, scenario files execution,multithreading and many other features.

What about XOnce? XOnce is our first experience in DSL developing. We use a JetBrains MPS, a Meta Programming System, that enable to create your own language. If you use XAM to access a storage and just "select * from ...", you need to write 10 lines of code, but if you use XOnce, you need only one! What why we developed XOnce.

You can download XReplicator project on xreplicator.sourceforge.net , and here you can download presentation.

It was 5 very interesting months to develop and understanding all that things! A really lot of experience!

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